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A Conversation About Vitality And Choice - Series 1443

Excerpt from Session #1443-01-24: Where Does Vitality Come From?

This series explores topics beyond the titles of the sessions. Réné and The Wonders open up every session to topics of each participant's choosing.

Includes the following recordings:

  1. Where Does Vitality Come From?
  2. Choice And Its Affect On Vitality
  3. What Does It Take To Move Beyond Predetermination?
  4. Are You Thinking About Vitality Or Are You Choosing Vitality?
  5. A Story About Command
  6. The Root Cause Of Self-Destruction
  7. Choosing With Clarity Instead Of Control
  8. An Experience Of Brilliance

Total listening time: 03:04:00

A Conversation About Vitality And Choice - Series 1443

SKU: 1443-c-24
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