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A Deep Exploration Of How Existence Affects Humanity And... - Study Group 1436

Excerpt from Session #1415-01-24: Why Did Existence Choose To Create A Process Of Evolution?

Complete collection of the first series of the 2024 Wednesday study groups, A Deep Exploration Of How Existence Affects Humanity And Humanity Interacts With Existence.

The first series of the 2024 Wednesday study groups is an exploration that is very much in line with your desire for exploration and you will be challenged to truly love – without conditions, without limitations, without judgment and without fear – every part of yourself.

Realize that the journey to reward is the pathway through your fears. Letting go of your fears allows you to reap your rewards.

Includes the following recordings:

1. Why Did Existence Choose To Create A Process Of Evolution?

2. If Evolution Ended In Humanity, Is Humanity At The End Of Evolution Or Is It Just In A Process Of Evolution?

3. What Is The Movement Of Existence Itself?

4. Seeing Humanity As A Whole, Not As A Part

5. Discussing More Intently The Power Of Choice And Movement

6. Does Evolution Allow Love To Expand Or Is Humanity Doomed To Survive Through Conflict?

Total listening time: 03:55:00

A Deep Exploration Of How Existence Affects Humanity And... - Study Group 1436

SKU: 1436-c-24
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