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Achieving balance in the self is about achieving a state where no one thing can pull you away from your center of self so that, inside of you, you know who you are, you know what you're all about. You hold on to that awareness; you don't let go of it, no matter what the circumstances are around you. So, when you get something coming at you that's a surprise - an event or a circumstance that could be sorrowful, or happy, or sad, or whatever - it doesn't pull you away from that center of the self that says, This is who I am. I'm okay. Our minds think that being centered - being balanced - is rigidity. This series explores being centered in yourself in a fluid way so as to always stay centered as you move through your emotional, mental, and spiritual states. When you try to achieve a rigidity that your mind has defined as your center of self, you can never achieve it. This series is led by Réné.

Includes the following recordings


1. That Which You Are You Command

2. If You Can't Command It - Flub It

3. I Got This Figured Out - Why Isn't It Working?

4. If Only I Could - Everybody Could

5. Well - What Next?

6. Give It A Little More Time, I'll Get There

7. Didn't I Say This Before?

8. Once Again - Once Again - Once Again

9. A Little Of This, A Little Of That, More Of Everything

10. Spread My Legs And Fly

11. What Am I? A Bumble Bee?

12. Creating An Illusion That's Workable

13. Working for The Crowd, Aren't We Good?

14. Give It Up, A Little More Please, A Little More

15. You Can't All Be This Good, Chuckle, Chuckle

16. Around And Around We Go, Now What Are We Going To Do?

17. This Is Difficult, Must We Come Up With More?

18. Bringing All Things Together

19. Now That You Have The Formula. Will You Use It?

20. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise


Total listening time: 10:28:00

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Achieving Balance In The Self - Series 899

SKU: 899-c-13
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