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Confusion And Clarity – Can They Exist Together? - Series 1349

Excerpt from Session #1349-01-22: What Is Confusion?
This session is about limitless sufficiency. The Wonders describe what happens when you judge the statement "I am sufficient," instead of letting yourself experience it.

This is an exploration of the subject of choice, reincarnation, expansion, contraction, confusion, clarity – none of which have any meaning at all.

Includes the following recordings:

  1. What Is Confusion?

  2. I’m Confused About Clarity

  3. Well I’m Clear About Confusion
  4. No, I’m Confused And Clear. Or Am I Clear And Confused?
  5. All Being Said, What’s Next?

  6. Why Is Confusion And Clarity Only In The Mind?
  7. Or Does It Exist Outside Of The Mind?
  8. Can The Soul Be Confused?
  9. Why Do You Say That?

  10. On What Basis Do You Realize Yourself?
  11. Stop Redefining And Expecting To Realize
  12. Goodbye Mrs. Hardy
  13. Why Did That Come About?

  14. Of What Benefit Is Everything You’ve Explored?
  15. Why This And Not That? Why Not That And This?
  16. Time-Tested Methodology For Doing Nothing
  17. Let’s Reincarnate And Try Again

  18. This Is What You Do
  19. I Swear I Did Not Do That
  20. Realize The Review Is Yours To Make

Total listening time: 06:21:00

Confusion And Clarity – Can They Exist Together? - Series 1349

SKU: 1349-c-22
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