Excerpt from Session #1329-05-22: What’s The Difference? What Creates It?
This session is about the origins of the mind. The Wonders describe this as one of the most important sessions they have ever completed. They explore what fear really is, what happens to the mind after the body dies, and much more.
This is an exploration of what’s holding you back and how to really choose to move beyond it. Better yet, just choose.
Includes the following recordings:
- Lift Your Cheek And Fart
Was That A Big One Or A Little One?
- If It Was Big, Why Does It Feel Small?
- If It Was Small, Why Did It Feel Big?
What’s The Difference? What Creates It?
- Is It Definition?
- Is That Based On Judgment And Justification?
- Why Do You Keep Using The Same Patterns?
Why Do You Keep Using The Same Tools?
- Have You Not Yet Tried Something Different?
- If You Use The Same Tools, You’ll Get The Same Repetition
- Expand The Psychologies, Expand The Choices, Expand The Behaviors
Oh, Let’s Just Look At Behaviors For A Moment
- Can You Not Choose Differently?
- Why Is This So Difficult?
- How Many Times Must We Say Why Is This So Difficult?
You’ve Rephrased, But Why Repeat?
- Hmmm
- As Interesting As It Is, It’s Getting You Nowhere
- Get Out Of Your Mind Dear Friends
Total listening time: 08:01:00
Grand Events, Small Movements. Small Events, Grand Movements. - Series 1329
SKU: 1329-c-22