This series is an exploration of peace, its concepts, its effects, the limitations, the structures, that which holds it back, that which allows it, and a probability of creating a, call it an amalgamation, of humanity in one goal.
Session Titles:
1. Living Together
2. Looking At Differences
3. Holding On To The Frame Of Reference
4. Changing The Direction Of Humanity
5. What Will It Take For Peace To Exist?
6. Individual Choices Lead To Results
7. How Can Countries Help Each Other?
8. What Is The Benefit Of Love?
9. What Body Will It Take To Help Humanity?
10. Is The United Nations Still Valid?
11. Let's Come Together And Shift The Psychologies
12. Intransigence And Its Effects On Choice
13. Given Opportunities - What Will You Choose?
14. Change Is Inevitable - Give It Up
15. Complicating The Realm Of Diplomacy
16. Let's Cut Through The Illusions That Hold You Back
17. Peace Will Never Exist If You Cannot Change
18. Individual Choices For Humanity
19. Group Choices For Humanity
20. Is Humanity Ready For A New World Order?
Total listening time: 08:19:00
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SKU: 794-c-11
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