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Delve into imagination and understand how you can bring it about into creation so that it becomes real. The Wonders guide you into aspects of yourselves that will open you to expanding your idea of imagination so that the real imagination of yourself can be discovered. Eventually, this series will lead to another workshop on creating the reality that brought about third, fourth and fifth dimensions.

Session Titles:


1. An Exploration Of Imagination

2. An Exploration Of Creation

3. Exercises To Open The Self

4. Giving Up On Control

5. Choosing Past The Illusions Of The Mind

6. You're Still Limited - Go Further

7. Break It Up - Don't Leave It Where It Is

8. Stop Fueling The Mind - Use Your Imagination

9. Stop One - Stop Two - Move Three

10. Creating An Illusion That Can Be Real

11. Now You Must Choose

12. Don't Stop - Keep Moving - Imagination Is Your Creation


Total listening time: 04:53:00

Delving Into The Imagination Of Creation- Series 812

SKU: 812-c-11
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