This series is a continuation of the intense exploration of vulnerability in Series #351: A Beginning Exploration Of The Concept Of Vulnerability.
Delve deeper into the meaning of sharing the self willingly and openly without fear. You're not willing to explore those parts of yourself that others can perceive, yet it's this exploration of yourself with yourself that will lead you to not fear your vulnerability. The Wonders expand on the concept of Primal Root Fear and show you how it applies to owning your vulnerability. Participants are given a gift unique to themselves, each having to do with death, in order to begin the realization that vulnerability will only be achieved when the mind finally quits and dies and transmutes to another level of existence. Reviewing with each participant the extent that the gift given was used, you are led to realize that enjoying the gift is paramount in the exploration of vulnerability.
Includes the following recordings:
1. A Further Expansion Of The Definitions
Having explored certain concepts of vulnerability in the previous series, the group now delves deeper into the meaning of sharing the self willingly and openly without fear.
2. Heres My Heart - Don't Hurt It
We are all afraid to be hurt by others because we are not willing to explore those parts of ourselves that others can perceive. Exploring those parts of ourselves with ourselves before we do it with others will lead us to not fear our vulnerability.
3. Let's Slay The Dragon
In this session, The Wonders expand on the concept of “Primal Root Fear” and show us how it applies to owning our vulnerability.
4. A Presentation Of A Gift To All
Having gained a certain understanding of vulnerability which only the mind could provide, participants are given a gift unique to themselves, each having to do with death, in order to begin the realization that vulnerability will only be achieved when the mind finally quits and “dies” and therefore transmutes to another level of existence.
5. Using The Gifts Given
Taking the groups through an interactive discussion The Wonders help participants explore the gifts they were given, and the fears surrounding using the gifts.
6. Its Christmas - Ho, Ho, Ho
Reviewing with each participant the extent that the gift given was used, you are led to realize that enjoying the gift is paramount in the exploration of vulnerability.
Total listening time: 05:53:00
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