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That Which You Choose, You Do So Out Of Joy - Series 258

Soundbite taken from Session #258-5-01: Please Mr. Sandman

In this further exploration of the fifth Defining Statement, The Wonders will help you understand the concept of joy, and why it is that everything you choose, you do so out of joy. For most people, this will be a difficult exploration because of the part that the mind plays in defining joy. However, it is achievable.

Includes the following recordings:

1. Me Happy; You Choose 
Here, we look at why we put off choosing until we feel better.

2. How !! ... You Know 
A discussion of the power of greetings. The Wonders create an environment in which freedom to choose exists.

3. Just When You Least Expected It 
The group explores survivability, stability and security, and how these affect our choices.

4. Are You Dragging Your Butt Yet? 
We look at why we feel tired. We justify our actions, inactions and observances, and this takes a great deal of time and energy. 

5. Please Mr. Sandman 
An examination of how choice occurs on varying levels, regardless of whether you think of it consciously or not.

6. Are You Having Fun Yet? 
If you are not having fun, what is the point of choosing? It is our essence to choose. When you choose from that essence, you choose from joy. 

Total listening time: 5:35:00

That Which You Choose, You Do So Out Of Joy - Series 258

SKU: 258-c-01
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