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This series explores the six Defining Statements Of Existence given by The Wonders to define the totality of all of existence. These Defining Statements represent the foundation of The Wonders teachings, and have been given to mankind previously, but have always been changed depending on who did the interpreting. This is the original series on The Wonders six Defining Statements Of Existence.


*Recommended teachings to listen to continue the exploration of the six Defining Statements Of Existence:


Series 242: Existence Is But An Extension Of Yourself 
Series 247: I Am Sufficient
Series 248: I Am Limitless, My Choices Reflect My Limitlessness
Series 252: That Which You Are Is That Which I Am, And That Which I Am Is That Which You Are
Series 258: That Which You Choose, You Do So Out Of Joy
Series 260: All That I Am Is Love, All That You Are Is Love 


Includes the following recordings:


1. Existence Is But An Extension Of Yourself 
The Wonders review the 1st statement and its implications.

2. I Am Sufficient
The Wonders discuss what it means to be sufficient in our existence.

3. I Am Limitless: My Choices Reflect My Limitlessness 
Here, The Wonders discuss what it means to be limitless.

4. That Which You Are Is That Which I Am, And That Which I Am Is That Which You Are In this session, The Wonders discuss how we are all interconnected.

5. That Which You Choose, You Do So Out Of Joy 
This session explores the concept's that all choices are chosen from the perspective of joy.

6. All That I Am Is Love, All That You Are Is Love 
This statement is not only powerful - just as the others are - but it also encompasses all of the other statements. 


Total listening time:06:11:00

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    The Defining Statements Of Existence - Series 168

    SKU: 168-c-99
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