In this series, The Wonders encourage you to recognize that cleansing is not just a physical experience. It's an experience that transcends virtually every aspect of yourself: physical, mental, emotional, and manifested spiritual. It's an experience that can, if you choose, truly relieve the issues that are blocking you on all of those levels. As a result, The Wonders introduce their cleanse, The Wonders Cleanse, its recipe, and instructions to follow, along with various other cleanses to clear the skin, colon, liver, and emotional body - in fact, a lot of the cleansing protocols provided have nothing to do with the physical.
Includes the following recordings:
1. The Benefit And Purpose Of Cleansing
2. Discovering The Psychology That Limits Cleansing
3. Uncovering The Illusions That Stop You From Choosing
4. First Recipe - First Step For Cleanse
5. The Next Step In The Cleansing Process
6. Parasites - Are They Real?
7. Ten-Step Process To Eliminate Completely
Total listening time: 5:22:00
Please Note: No refunds provided once series is purchased.
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SKU: 815-c-11
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